For us DINKs (Dual income no kids) the weekend is usually filled with rest, relaxation and getting stuff done. Usually a run or two in the warm spring sun (one can be hopeful :) ) and a few drinks here or there.
Which is a good segway to: Do you stop your life when TTC? No caffeine, no runs, no alcohol? There's a lot on the internet, one can drive themselves crazy. WebMD has a good list of "Getting Pregnant" tips, however I really think conception is more on chance and God. Some people conceive on their first try, some it takes years and years, and some never succeed. I hope I'm in the middle somewhere. Though I am not a Dr (disclaimer) obviously a woman needs to be healthy before conceiving.
I often wonder what will happen when we "stop trying." As any veteran TTCer knows, you get a lot of advice when you tell someone you've been trying for awhile. One time I'd like to say thanks but no thanks. But no, you, as a good person, listen as they go on and on about decreasing stress, not exercising, not drinking Green Tea (I've been told it's a natural birth control. Really? Maybe I should have been drinking that vs. spending $20/month at Walgreens). You know they are trying to help so you grin and bear it with a smile on your face.
When you throw in the towel, what happens? Who do you become? Your a forever DINK. You become the "fun aunt and uncle." Is that enough?
For now, I will continue my life and if it happens it happens (or so I try to tell myself). I've heard wine is the cure all :-)
Happy Friday everyone! Any fun plans?
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