This was said to me the other day. And it irritated me.
Some random thoughts about this statement:
~ Yes, I know this. Really, I do. We are lucky. We are fortunate and blessed to be where we are. I also know this and I do.not.for.a.moment. take it for granted.
~ We worked our a**es off with late nights working to make up for Dr appts, lots-o-money (!?!), traveling, emotional heartache every time it didn't work and every time "I didn't respond" to get where we are. But all in all, for me, getting pregnant was a crap shoot. It just happened to work after 6 tries. Even tho I didn't have the 'optimal' number of follies and the hubby's count was lower than it had been in 6 tries (funny side note: On the day of the IUI, after the hubs count came back, I think we both were disappointed and RE saw this. He said, as we always say, it makes more room for the winners. And who'd of thunk it, he was right.)
~IF is a part of me and I'll never "get over it". It doesn't define me, but it is a part of my life and always will be.
I can't help my feelings, believe me, I try. I will worry every minute of every day of this pregnancy until I'm fortunate enough to hold that little one in my arms. Really, I will, but for you my friend, I will pretend it's all sunshine and unicorns and life is grand because, yes, lots of people have tried longer than us.
Cheers to the weekend!