Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome! We are just another couple struggling with infertility but having fun and trying to enjoy the journey.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Adversities make you stronger

I remember after the first year of TTC, I did a lot of research.  And by research, I mean I read lots of blogs on people's experiences with IUIs, IVFs, etc.  I of course read  Taking Charge of your Fertility and The Fertility Diet.  I had discussions with friends on TTC and their IUI/IVF journeys.

In all of this, I remember thinking I could never go through the emotional journey of IUI/IVF so many times.  I thought I didn't have time to go to Dr visits each month for CD3, CD10 then the procedure.  I remember thinking, well if it's meant to be, then it will happen naturally. 

Now here we are on IUI#6.  And still no baby... 

I've been trying to think what I've learned from all of this and here's what I came up with:

~You always have time if you want something bad enough.  You can make time. I thought I was sooo busy, I didn't have time for the important things.  Family.

~I need to slow down.  My mom mentioned this to me last week, and it is true. I need to learn to slow down and take a breath.  One thing that really helps me is Yoga. Need.more.Yoga.

(Outside Yoga on the deck in DT GB)

~Infertility can make or break a relationship. Thankfully, for us, it has made ours.  We laugh (most of the time) about our Infertility and my wonky ovaries.  We are still able to smile when we walk in our RE's office (vs. the (rightly so) scowl many people have..tho I feel like this a lot of days..).

~And Finally. You are stronger than you think.

"Adversities make you mad, they make you sad, they literally break you down, but if you fight through them, they make you stronger, sharper and more motivated."
   Lolo Jones, U.S. record holder for the 60-meter hurdles


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